• +91 9457202960
  • info@basecongress.com


Biology Agricultural Sciences & Environment Congress

The Biology, Agriculture, Science and Environmental Congress (BASE) operates as a registered entity under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, with its headquarters located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. As a non-profit organization, BASE functions as an interdisciplinary research body committed to addressing challenges in the domains of social sciences, biology, environmental issues, and agricultural development. Its establishment aims to facilitate a diverse array of social initiatives, promote environmental awareness, advocate for sustainable agricultural practices, and engage in educational endeavors related to life sciences, pollution control, health, sanitation, forestry, wildlife conservation, land and water management, scientific research, and various facets of environmental conservation and agricultural management.


1. Our vision is to contribute significantly by collaborating at the grassroots level to achieve sustainable development in agriculture and environmental sectors through the promotion of conservation practices that mitigate environmental, economic, and social vulnerabilities faced by rural communities.

2. To create a unified platform for biologists to engage with one another for mutual benefit and to enhance knowledge in the field of biological sciences.


1. Our mission is to empower marginalized children, youth, farmers, and women through pertinent education and innovative healthcare programs aimed at achieving sustainability in environmental and agricultural practices.

2. To develop and deliver integrated and innovative solutions through relevant education and healthcare initiatives, in partnership with state, national, and international organizations, while actively engaging with local communities.

3. To encourage and disseminate new scientific knowledge arising from recent advancements in both fundamental and applied biological sciences across agriculture, animal sciences, forestry, and other biological disciplines.

4. To facilitate interactions among biologists for mutual benefits in academic research, education, or technology transfer.

3. To encourage and facilitate activities that are geared to improve society at large and in particular the under privileged sections of the society.

4. To tackle the critical challenges associated with the conservation of soil and water resources.

5. To confront the significant issues related to climate change and global warming.

6. To emphasize the emerging challenges in the field of Biotechnology.

7. To raise awareness regarding environmental concerns.

8. To promote the transfer of technology to farmers and other stakeholders.

9. To advance objectives and goals as determined by the General Body periodically.

Aims & Objectives

1. To enhance public awareness regarding health, sanitation, vaccination, population control, and family welfare initiatives.

2. To promote environmental protection and agricultural health programs at the school, college, and university levels through various extension education methods.

3. To conduct research in the domains of science, environment, life sciences, agricultural science, and technology.

4. To organize events such as seminars, conferences, symposia, meetings, training programs, demonstrations, and mass mobilization campaigns, in collaboration with state, national, and international organizations, to disseminate knowledge related to environmental and agricultural development.

5. To share knowledge and foster discussion through the publication of high-quality articles, books, proceedings, journals, and other literature aimed at disseminating scientific information relevant to public interests in environmental protection and sustainable agricultural development.

6. To offer supervision, monitoring, evaluation, and consultancy services for agricultural development and environmental protection at no cost.

7. To engage in and promote activities such as tree planting, habitat conservation, and educational programs aimed at protecting, conserving, and enhancing the environment, natural resources, and agricultural development for a sustainable future.

8. The goal is to create a comprehensive and multidisciplinary computerized database centered on environmental and agricultural management.



Membership and Award Nomination for 2025 Open for more Information click here

Call for Articles for BASE




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